
My New Blog Site

Merry Christmas to me! My sweet hubby has been working hard on getting my Christmas present ready. I know it’s a little early yet but it’s not something that goes under the tree (unless I’m taking a picture of it) so we decided it was okay to unwrap it so to speak. What is it? He bought me my own domain name and with the help of a very talented friend gave my blog a make over. I know, romantic right? We didn’t need anything for Christmas and we’re nerds, what can I say?

So you can now find me over at jodymccomas.com. Check it out. And if you want to subscribe to my new blog site that would be great. There’s a subscribe button right at the top. We’re not totally through with the make over quite yet but we’re off to a good start.


Thanks again Jason Larsen for the blog help! If you ever need help with a website, logo, or marketing ideas contact Jason. He also has a fantastic blog that I wish he wrote on more often (hint, hint).

To Do vs. To Be


I’m a do-er. I come from a family of do-ers (that sounds funny). And although this can be a really great thing it also has it’s challenges. I want to do and not just be. Does that make sense to you?

This week Jenna was off from school and I had all kinds of ideas of what we could do (of course), zoo lights, the boat light parade, bake and do crafts, play dates, etc. And we did some of those things so far but mostly we have read, had nap time, watched a lot of movies (a kids dream right?) and stayed in our pj’s all day long. In fact, it’s 9:40 am and we’re sitting at the table in pjs still and the kids are having their second bowl of cereal for their mid morning snack. I asked Jenna as we were sitting here if she’s had a good week and without hesitation she said yes. I’m reminded that we don’t have to constantly be do-ers but just enjoy be-ing. Sometimes sickness can have it’s blessings, it slows us constant do-ers down.

I don’t know about you, but if you’re like me you might need the encouragement to just sit down and be. Even in the midst of the hustle and bustle, take a few minutes to just rest and be. Your kids may even just thank you. (Maybe even take a bubble bath and rest your head on a blanket of bubbles and just be. Isaac seemed to enjoy it.)


I’ve said it before, but since having kids it has made us evaluate how we do the holidays (especially Christmas), well life really. But I enjoy the changes we’ve made and I know God will continue to shape them and teach us how to revel in the season more and more each year.

Some things that we love doing are reading our Advent Book, Lighting Advent candles, buying less gifts and giving more to others as a result.

One thing that can kill the joy of the holidays are expectations. You know the ones we set for our families that may not be realistic, or maybe they are but something happens like sickness and it’s all thrown out the window. I’ve been sick all week so the fun crafts I was going to do with my kids and baking our traditional holiday treats hasn’t happened. We haven’t taken our neighbors treats and cards yet, and probably won’t get to it at this rate. I know that’s small in the midst of the real hurt and trouble in our world but it’s the small things that can derail us sometimes.

At our MOPS group during our last meeting the talk was about Advent and really enjoying this season. It was good to look back at my notes and remind myself to do this. She shared three things to focus on:

Reverence for God. God is amazing, holy, loving, and we cannot comprehend all that He is. Try and step back and take Him in, in this moment. We can experience His little bits of grace along the way.

Be deliberate. I like the word intentional. Make an effort to take in each moment. Make room for hope and grace. Sometimes the busyness of life and the season gets in the way of actually enjoying it.

Be fully awake. Be in the present.

Advent is about longing, waiting for the Christ child. Even though He’s already been born we can celebrate what that longing would have been like. Now we just long for him to return. Our broken world needs Him. I’m thankful that He has come, He brought hope, He’s till bringing Hope and one day He’ll return again. And all this happens whether I get my goodies baked or not.

Advent candles

Baby Shower Ideas

Tis the season for Christmas but also for babies around here. I know many friends having babies around Christmas and the new year. One of the ways to bless a new mom or even second time around mom is to throw a shower. Being in ministry, this seems to be like a side ministry I didn’t know I would have, throwing showers of all sorts (our people like to take the command to be fruitful and multiply very seriously I guess, but I digress).

Last weekend I threw a shower for a dear friend. I wanted to share some of my ideas with you in case you wanted some for your idea board. Most of my ideas came from Pinterest and then were adapted, because that’s what I do, make it my own, less perfect version.

For decoration I made a clothes line with babies clothes that I found along the way. I also made a cute little onesie with a star on it. I simply cut out a fabric star using a cookie cutter and ironed it on using stitch witchery. I then made the fabric pendant banner that I loved and is now hanging in Isaac’s room. I also used the iron and stitch witchery, no sewing for me people. I made a sign for the door using left over scrap material and printed out B-A-B-Y on card stock. The grocery store had an amazing bunch of roses on sale so I cut those up and put them in mason jars on the table. Add all that to the Christmas decorations that were us and it was a festive environment for sure.

For the food we had mini quiche (from Costco), rosemary roasted potatoes, berry cream bread, vegan pumpkin bread, fruit, nutella filled croissants, and yogurt parfaits. Makes me hungry just thinking about it.


I don’t like games so we didn’t play any of them. We just enjoyed each others company, opened gifts, ate again, prayed together, ate, and I had them write a note/prayer/blessing to the baby in Dr. Suess’s book Oh, the Places You’ll Go! that Bethany could take with her. They can add to it as life goes on if they want.


As a take away I made little bags of kisses and a button magnet that I made with a prayer request attached to the back of it so they remember to pray for her and the baby.

Even tonight I’m preparing for my next shower I’m helping plan in a couple weeks. I hope Christina doesn’t read this because I just gave away some of my secrets.

What about you, do you have favorite ideas for baby showers?

I’ve been a little under the weather the past few days and it was a dark week in our country to say the least. So to get a fun package in the mail from a dear friend was such a sweet treat. I Love getting cards from friends and I’m known to save them for years (My husband loves this about me, really). My sweet friend Sarah sent one from Bozeman along with a fun budget/coupon holder that she made. She’s incredibly crafty and gifted at what she does. I’m so excited to have something fun, cute and practical to keep my coupons in. Thanks Sarah! You all should check out her etsy site. She has fabulous things for babies, moms, friends, etc.


And then I got a very strange card in the mail. I mean really strange people. It was sent from HBO, was not signed, and sent to just me. I don’t even have cable television. How the heck did they get my address and why would they send this card?! I had to show you all. Is this meant to be encouraging?


They make it sound like you’re a total loser and no matter how much others think that, go ahead, follow those dreams. Really? Have any of you received a card like this?

Don’t worry friends, I didn’t hold onto this one. I am however displaying so many wonderful card and pictures of friends that continue to flood our mailbox. I feel blessed to have so many incredible people in our lives. We truly are blessed with relationships, both near and far.

This has been a rough week. After the shooting here this week I already felt emotionally raw and then today the wretched news of the school shooting in Connecticut seemed like too much to take. I couldn’t take my eyes off the TV as the horror unfolded and I cried for hours today. As a mom of a kindergartner my heart is breaking. (I have family that live 2 miles from that school in Connecticut) I can’t imagine the pain those families are going through. I couldn’t even go pick up Jenna today because I knew I would just start crying again walking into the school.

All we have to do is read the news and see the evil around us but when this happens it’s like a fresh blow to the gut again. Even in China this week someone went into a school and assaulted 22 kids with a knife. There is something about assaults on children that make it all that more evil.

Our world likes to call it “mental illness” which it clearly is but it’s also a spiritual battle that many are not comfortable with or not aware of.

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.  Eph. 6:12

Many question God during these times. But we have to remember that God is good even when this world is not. He says He will never leave us or forsake us. He heals up our wounds and is close to the brokenhearted. He will one day make things right again. Until then, we have to stand firm in faith and pray for our nation and world. There is still much good that God can do and many who still need to be told about the hope that is found in Him.

Late this afternoon there was a spectacular rainbow in the sky. It felt like God was saying, “Remember I am faithful.” Even after a dark day of clouds and rain, sorrow and pain, He can produce a rainbow.

This is an interesting video. What are your thoughts?

A Sobering Day

My day started off with a relaxing morning with my family and my friend who was here for a few days to visit. We wanted to take her to VooDoo Donuts for one last cultural experience before she left town. We got a good laugh at the VooDoo Monster in the bushes and at the crazy hipsters and Portlandites around us. Never a dull moment.


After saying good-bye to my friend I headed off to meetings for work. About 4 pm I got a text from Matt saying that our dear friends and staff team members were at the mall where a shooting had just taken place. My heart sank. An hour later as my phone started ringing and getting texts to make sure we were okay started coming in my emotions were raw. The tears were rolling; afraid for my friends who I didn’t know were out of the mall or not, for the people I knew had already been shot, for the horror of it all really.

Our friends are okay although shaken by the nightmare they have just experienced. I’m hugging my family tighter tonight knowing that this was just too close to home for us, literally.

Our world is messed up. The day started out with pretend monsters in the bushes and ended with a real monster yielding a gun and taking lives. It makes me sick to my stomach. But I was reminded as I sang Amazing Grace to Isaac as I put him to bed, whether in life or death, God’s grace is amazing and He does indeed save. I’m so thankful for that. I have hope in a good God who saves even when terrible things happen.

Join me in praying for peace for those who experienced this terrible tragedy, for my friend who was in the mall to not go into early labor (she’s 8 months pregnant), for the family of those who lost loved ones and for God to do something good out of this.

Tis the season for Christmas parties. Our Portland Christmas party was out in the suburbs of Wilsonville. Let’s just say that I’ve adjusted to life in the city and forget what it’s like out there in what Jenna likes to call, “the middle of nowhere.” The houses are so BIG, there are two car garages, it’s so dark at night and I felt a little nervous when there weren’t many cars on the road. I began to feel a little bad for making fun of a staff friend when he moved to Montana, which is actually in the middle of nowhere, from Seattle. I’m beginning to see what he was afraid of talking about. But in all seriousness, we had a great time. And although the burbs have their perks I’m loving life in the city. Who would have thought?!

In other holiday news. We’ve started reading through our advent book again (although 8 days late, we’ve had a busy week) and love it all over again. I love this season of pausing to remember and wait for the celebration of the greatest gift the world has ever been given, Jesus.

Here’s some pictures from our festive household.

PicMonkey Collage

Here’s the wreath I made from our Christmas tree scraps on the front of our house and my favorite decorations on the wall, Isaac’s hand print from last year and Jenna’s finger print in a heart, along with a beautiful bead wreath my mom got me.

Here’s some advent reading happening.


I love this one of Isaac admiring the tree (between the moments of him trying to kick the “ball” aka Christmas ornaments and throwing balls into it. Boys.

Screen shot 2012-12-09 at 2.59.37 PM

15 years ago I sat in the ballroom at the Double Tree Hotel at a Cru Conference as a sophomore in college (I cannot believe how long ago that was) and felt the hardened edge of my heart beginning to soften. I had so many wounds from the past 4 years of my life, many due to my own bad choices and giving God lip service and a stiff arm all the while doing my own thing, seeking my own pleasures in all the wrong ways. So there I sat, broken, hating who I was in so many ways, guilt ridden of the lifestyle I had been living and God spoke to me. I remember the room, the speaker, all of it as if I were still sitting there. I knew in that moment that God was saying, “You’ve tried it your way and now you can bring your broken self to me and we’ll try it my way.” I made a decision at that conference to give my life to God; Not just say that I believed in Him, but actually follow Him. That was the best decision I’ve ever made.

This is why I believe in conferences like the one our ministry does every year after Christmas. Not because it’s fun, although it’s incredibly fun (See the crowd surfing picture below to prove the fun part. And yes, that is Jenna’s pink helmet that Jason is wearing.), but because it can be life changing. It can change the trajectory of your life. It may not be as drastic for some as it was for me, but each year that I am there (still, 15 years later) God does something new and great in my heart; He changes me in different ways each time. It’s something I look forward to every year.

So, if you’re a college student, come join us. You won’t regret it. You’ll only regret not going. If you know a college student tell them to go. If you like to pray, pray for that time we’ll be there. You could be a part of someones life changing just by praying. If you want more info. you can find it here.

Four Days, For Change, For Life. It’s not just a slogan, my life is a living testament to it.

**If you want to see more amazing photos from last year check out this site.